Minutes of meeting January 17th 2019


Minutes of meeting held on January 17th 2019 at 6.00 p.m. in the

Galilee Chapel, St. Ilitud's Church



Councillor Dr. David Ellis (Chair), Barbara Ellis, Helga Spoors, Denise Tabert, Tim Ingram, Councillor Bob Gant, Councillor David Foster, Jan Foster, Elizabeth Davies, Colin Davies, Les Beckwith, Kelly Marsh, Sandy Smith, Janet Francis, Caroline Leonard, Andrew Leonard, David Wright, Aimee Turrell, David Maughan, Bethan Watkins, Geoff Semmens, Val Goldsworthy, Peter Goldsworthy, Lucie Foster, Wyn Silman, Etta Gray, Barry Palfreman, Glenys Vaughan, Howard Williams, Anne Williams, Alexandra Thomas


Sharon Evans, Sarah Persson, Claire Ingram, Sue Wright, Ann Beckwith, Pat Walker, Helen Sharpe, Jack Sharpe, Sheila Heasman, Hilary Sheldon, Sheila Brown

 1.  Welcome  
   Chair welcomed all those present and thanked them for their attendance, stating that he was very encouraged by the number who had turned up and who were obviously keen to revive the Town Twinning Association. Councillor Bob Gant and Barbara Ellis agreed to take some notes of the meeting.  
 2.  Background  

 Les Beckwith gave a briefing on the background and history of the now defunct Town Twinning Association, which began in 1982. He explained why it had folded a few years ago and how the assets had been dispersed to various charities in the town. He described what twinning involved exactly and how there were differences in organisation between Le Pouliguen and Llantwit Major. He informed the meeting about the visit made by the Mayor, his wife, himself and his wife and Pat Walker to Le Pouliguen last summer and how the French were keen to re-establish twinning links with Llantwit Major.

Tim Ingram gave a briefing on his experiences of twinning between Plymouth and Brest.

All at the meeting agreed that it was now feasible to try to revive the Town Twinning Association, as long as people were willing to offer their time and effort to make this happen. Chair noted that he had raised the matter with the Town Council and councillors were supportive of the initiative, although they did not have any funds available for the venture. He noted that, as such, any new Association would be starting 'from scratch'.

A general discussion then ensued regarding the frequency of visits per year and the preferred months such visits should occur. It was explained that normally a visit would be made to Le Pouliguen every other year with the French visiting in alternate years. It was suggested that this might be too expensive and too much work and visits could be, say, once every three years. Members of the former Twinning Association explained how the process normally worked and the sorts of events and visits that were arranged previously. It was agreed to work out these details once a committee had been formed.

Various members noted that Twinning should involve various clubs and organisations in the town, as well as schools, and it was agreed to pursue this.

  3. Appointment of officers   

 It was agreed that a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer should be nominated temporarily. Kelly Marsh subsequently volunteered to act as temporary Chair until an AGM could be called. Les Beckwith agreed that he would liaise with her in the interim period. As no one volunteered to act as Secretary or Treasurer, Councillor David Foster proposed that these positions should remain vacant until an AGM could be called, when the main officers and committee members could be formally elected and this was agreed in order to give people time to consider whether they would like to stand or not. Kelly Marsh suggested that an outline of the responsibilities for each of the officer roles should be circulated, so that any nominees would know what they were standing for. She agreed to liaise with Les Beckwith on this. Councillor David Ellis agreed to make all the necessary arrangements for an AGM, which it was suggested could be held at the Rugby Club free of charge. He agreed to send out the minutes of the current meeting, nomination forms and the date and time of the AGM etc. to all those present and other interested parties. It was agreed that some time later in February on a week day (not Friday) commencing at 7.00 p.m. would be suitable.

Councillor David Foster announced that normally the Mayor of the town was the President of the Association and two Town Councillors could be appointed to sit on the committee and this could be done at the Council's AGM in May, Chair noted that he would be reporting back to the Town Council on this meeting at the next full Council meeting on January 315t.  






 4.  Constitution   

 Les Beckwith announced that he had found a copy of the previous Association's Constitution, although there seemed to be two versions of this. He drew attendees' attention to the last clause, which stated that on dissolution of the Association, "all surplus funds shall be transferred to such local charity or charities as the Executive Committee shall in its absolute discretion decide" This is what had happened. He suggested that any new Constitution should amend this clause and put any surplus funds in a Trust. Andrew Leonard pointed out that this would mean there would have to be trustees appointed to administer this Trust.

Chair asked whether Les Beckwith had an electronic copy of the former Constitution and he replied that he could scan it in. Elizabeth Davies agreed to type it up, so it could be circulated with possible amendments to all present and interested parties for provisional adoption at the AGM. This was agreed. 




Fund raising and possible future events 



It was noted that previously members paid an annual fee of £10 to £15 per year to be a member of the Association. It was agreed to delay any discussion on fund raising or future events until officers could be elected and a committee formed at an inaugural AGM.

Tim Ingram noted that coach and ferry companies can offer discounts for large groups. Les Beckwith pointed out that the journey by coach from a French port to Le Pouliguen is about five hours.

6. Contact with Le Pouliguen  
  Les Beckwith and the Chair agreed to contact the Chair of the Le Pouliguen Twinning Association to inform them of the progress being made in reforming the Association.  LB/DE
7.   AOB  
   It was noted that, under GDPR regulations, all present at the meeting and all future members of the Association should sign in writing that they were happy for their contact details to be made known to other members, solely for the purposes of the Association, and that 'blind copies' should be sent out until this process was completed. Chair agreed to do this. A number of those present said they were fluent French speakers. Chair asked those present to recruit new members if they could and let him have their contact details, if they agreed, ready for the AGM. He agreed to publicise the AGM when it was arranged via the GEM and the Llantwit Major hub etc.  DE
8. Date of next meeting  
  Chair agreed to circulate all present and other interested parties with the minutes of this meeting, an agenda with the date and time of the inaugural AGM, nomination forms and a copy of a proposed Constitution as soon as possible.
The meeting ended at approximately 7.30 p.m.